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We aim to provide a high-quality professional life coaching service free of charge. We would like to invite you to join us in this wonderful journey of self-discovery. Excel in life - unleash your unlimited power.

Join 90 Minute Free Vedic Life Style Coaching

posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 3:54 PM, No comment,

Download Free E-book on Spiritual Life Coaching

Hi Friends,

I have just published my book "Secret The Way of The Rishis", and you can download the introduction to the program for FREE! Also, if you have any questions or you want to join online free spiritual life coaching use the "Ask a question" button on my new website:

Click here and download the E-book for free.

Jay Ho - means glory to all beings!

posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 3:47 AM, No comment,

Secret The Way of The Rishis Spiritual Mind Programming CD

Hi friends,

The Secret The Way of the Rishis Program will help you transform your life completely. The Spiritual Mind Programming CD will be available soon. Unlimited Free Spiritual Life Coaching will also be available from our website:

The program is divided into three (3) sections:

1st part teaches you how to control "Prana" the life force energy. Once you learn to control Prana everything in creation will gradually come under your control.

2nd part teaches you the "7 Spiritual Laws of Abundance" this helps you to align your life, and live in harmony with natural laws.

3rd part teaches you "GMT." GMT, is the primordial vibration. It is the nature's song, for creating abundance. We can also say GMT is the law of attraction. At the same time the source of everything that we can see, hear, smell, taste, and touch.

By practising GMT regularly you will be able to create the right conditions and the set of vibrations in your body. It will fine tune your 'Soul and Mind' and you will generate good vibes. The good vibes will then leave your body and start looking for similar good vibes in the Universe and bring them back to you as a great gift. This is how GMT works and transforms our life. Like a magnet it automatically attracts all good things to our life. The more we sing the nature's song the more blessings we receive.

Take care and talk to you soon!

posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 3:08 AM, No comment,

Secret The Way of the Rishis

Do you want to achieve your highest aspirations and overcome your greatest challenges?

Gandhi said something valuable, “
There is an orderliness in the universe, there is an unalterable law governing everything and every being that exists or lives.” Now the big question: do we know about these laws? If we do, do we follow them?

I also remember Stephen Covey saying in his best selling book 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People' “One of the most profound learnings of my life is this: if you want to achieve your highest aspirations and overcome your greatest challenges, identify and apply the principle or natural law that governs the results you seek.”

And this is exactly what we are going to do in "Secret The Way of the Rishis"
program, first learn and then apply the seven spiritual laws of abundance in our life.

Love and blessings for the New Year 2009

posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 7:57 AM, No comment,

Secret The Way of the Rishis

Hi Friends,

I am sure you had a wonderful Christmas! And, we are just few steps to "A New Year". As we celebrate and welcome 2009 I have got something to give you. "Yes" offcourse good news!

My new Audio Book is ready for release in the early part of January 2009. It is called the "Secret The Way of The Rishis". I am sure you will support me with your love and blessings. I will keep on updating you more...

The program will be released through this website: so bookmark it please!

Lot's of love and blessings for now.

posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 3:51 PM, No comment,

Success Coaching Course

Important: All New Posts Goes Below this Menu. Please scroll down to read.
Success Coaching Course
The aim and objective of this course is to help you to become your own ‘Success Coach’. Once you make a firm commitment, you will be able to learn the methods, strategies, tools, and techniques used by a top life coach. Then, you can use those skills and knowledge to take control of your life, and create your own destiny. You will experience abundance, achieve bliss and harmony by balancing all life areas - personal relationship, family, finance, health, and career. (New sections will be added regularly as the course is not complete. You will also get an opportunity to use a Virtual Learning Environment soon. Please use the contact us link for any queries.)
(1) Programme Message
(2) Introduction to Life Coaching
(3) Application of Life Coaching
(4) Getting started with Life Coaching
(5) How will it work?
(6) Basic qualities you will need:
i. Be Non-Judgemental
ii. Do not give Advice
iii. Empathic Listening
iv. Think Win-Win
(7) Purpose in Life
i. Introduction to finding your Purpose in Life
ii. Law of Dharma Part I: Natural Law or Spiritual Principle for Success
iii. Law of Dharma Part II: Natural Law or Spiritual Principle for Success
iv. Applying the Law of Dharma: Success Equation and Bill Gates
(8) The Success Story of Ray Kroc - McDonald's (Use I-CAN-DO Model)
(9) Create Excellence using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
i. Introduction to NLP
ii.How to use NLP Future Pacing to Achieve Excellence in Your Life?
iii. How to Use NLP Future Pacing to Excel in Job Interviews?
iv. How to Use NLP Future Pacing for Effective Dating?
v. How to Communicate Effectively using NLP?

posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 9:18 AM, No comment,

Hurrah! Back to blogging

Dear friends, it is a great day for me since I am back to writing again! Yes, I am blogging again and I believe ‘Life never stops’. Does it? It is one of the basic principles of this mystical – only because lot of it is unknown to us - universe. And, I experienced it firsthand, last year a lot has happened in my life. I wanted to share it with you, but did not have the determination to do so after I lost my Dad first in February, and then my wife forever in July. They have gone away from this world and me. Life has changed for me; I mean the meaning and my perspective of life. It looks different, sounds, and feels different. I cried, wept, screamed, and felt miserable for few months. One thing I would like to share with you, which is so inspiring, among all turmoil I could still see the Lord. He was there and with me holding my hands as he did from the day, I was born. Also, he made sure his trusted comrades were with me all the while. They made sure that I see the light.

Let me quote this powerful message by Swami Vivekananda – a great modern Yogi of India, which you might find insightful:

“All power is within you, you can do anything and everything. Believe in that; do not believe that you are weak. You can do anything and everything, without even the guidance of anyone. All power is there. Stand up and express the divinity within you. Arise, awake, and sleep no more. Within each of you, there is the power to remove all wants and all miseries. Believe in this, and that power will be manifested.”

I have learned a new way of life. I always believe, and when I say this, I mean it with lot of passion, ‘Nothing ever is going to stop me’. I would not allow anyone or anything from achieving my goal or fulfil my life’s purpose – “Freedom is our birthright and we will achieve it”. When I use the word ‘Freedom’, I mean freedom from all wants, which might take any form either material or spiritual. Our idea should be to attain happiness and perfect bliss. When we gain this, we win real freedom, so folks plan, prepare, and march ahead. Do not look back but do not ignore it either. Life is continual learning. Take good care of yourself and the world. I will be back soon with another piece of thought.

posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 9:12 AM, 4 comments,

Man Proposes and God Disposes

It is such a wonderful experience to see the raindrops falling and being greeted by mother earth; it gives me great delight in silently watching our nature in motion. We are having weeks full of rain in England recently, and it has caused real havoc down south. Anyways, let me organise myself, and get back to the mood of connecting with you this weekend.

My Dad strongly believed in God, and as I grew up, I also saw a person who lived his life serving others. Though he believed in God, he was not a great advocate of frequenting the temples to earn his share of blessings. He loved his family, and anyone who got in touch with him could feel a difference. He touched everyone’s life he met in a special way.

So, I was lucky in a sense to be his son. He was a man of values, and dealt with the events in life steadily with respect. And when I use the word ‘Respect’, I mean he believed everything that happened in our life had a reason, some meaning, and it had a connection to something else.

I often heard him saying, ‘Man proposes and God disposes’. Sometimes I felt frustrated and became annoyed when he said this to me, especially at times when I failed to achieve what I wanted. At those times, I remember I used to express my anger and resentment. Strangely, he never showed any emotions, rather had a subdued smile in his face. But as I gained more of life’s experience, I started to realise the hidden meaning of the statement. This week’s exercise is based on the meaning that I have realised. And I would like to invite you to join me to explore it further.

Exercise for this week:

(1) Every event that happens in our life has a deep seeded intention. It is manifesting our past intention and desire, and we can physically see and experience it when it is in motion, which we describe as an event or episode. It is our responsibility to understand it, identify the hidden opportunities (messages), and use it to our advantage. The opportunities may be in any form, physical or meta-physical. So, try to understand it, identify the opportunities and use it as best as you can.

(2) Practise and try to manage your worries by saying to yourself, “Everything that is happening to me now is for a reason. It has a connection with my past as well as my future.” Gradually, this will help you increase your power of acceptance. Slowly and steadily, you will learn more about yourself, and your real nature.

(3) Power of Acceptance will help you to gain control of the future. You will gain the power to control your own destiny. But it will only happen when you accept yourself ‘as you are now’.

(4) Do not resist because it would seem futile challenging the laws of the Universe. Cecil B. deMille observed, “It is impossible for us to break the law. We can only break ourselves against the law.” So, identify the hidden opportunities (messages) in every event, and use it to your advantage. This will lead us to our destination (destiny) safely.

Take care and God bless!

posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 10:23 AM, 7 comments,

Sharpen Your Saw

Just before I sat down in my kitchen this morning I thought why not do a constructive reflective review of the week that has passed into the oblivion. Do you think it is a good idea? Well I am sure you must be relaxing and gearing for a fun filled weekend. I hope you won’t mind to spare a little time just for ‘You’ the self.

So, this week we will briefly review our achievement in the past week and examine whether we have done anything commendable, which serves as a preparation exercise for our future. It can be anything small, a new skill, or anything you have learned.

Our topic ‘Sharpening your Saw’ simply means constant development of our self. It is important that we have a continuous programme of self-development. And when I say this, I do not mean you have to undertake a formal course or programme all the time. It can be simple, just using our common sense to reflect and improve our performance in all areas. For example, you may look back, and examine the way you have dealt with someone. And then ask yourself, ‘How can I change my approach and deal with it differently?

We must remember that ‘Common sense’ is our greatest teacher. The more we use it the more effective it gets. Now let us do this simple exercise.

Exercise for the Week:

(1) ‘Sharpen your Saw’ work diligently and reflect on your actions during the week that has passed. Identify at least one or more thing you have learnt that will help you to improve your performance or make you a better person in future.

(2) ‘Common sense’ is our greatest teacher, practise, and use it effectively. The more you use, the better it gets.

(3) Visualise and come up with a simple plan for next week by asking yourself this question: What can I learn next week?

(4) Develop a continuous programme for self-development. A simple written plan would be suitable.

God bless you!

posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 4:02 AM, 2 comments,

Impermanence and the nature of reality

This week let us think about the real nature of reality, and the easiest way to do that is to examine the events in our life. Our life is comprised of an eternity of events, which includes both pleasurable and painful moments. It is a natural tendency to avoid pain and suffering, and seek joy and happiness. Both these states that is joy as well as suffering are impermanent. Since they are impermanent, there is no way that you can hang on to any of these states forever. It is simply not possible.

So, what should we do? Simple, just examine your life more closely and when you do this you will realise that whatever happened in your life good or bad has passed. You know from your experience that whatever you are experiencing now is also going to pass or end. So, accept it, and search for a way to march forward in the journey of life. Realising and accepting that our life and nature of reality is impermanent will enable you to lift the veil and open your doors to pure wisdom.

Exercise for this week:

(1) Remind yourself this week that both joy and suffering are part of life and they are both impermanent.

(2) Do not waste too much time by wondering and pondering on an event.

(3) Let go and become light-hearted and practise detachment.

(4) Everything that is happening in your life is for a reason. Work diligently to identify the reason and take proper action.

God bless!

posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 3:54 PM, 3 comments,

Success: Application of Pain-Pleasure Principle

In this article, we will briefly examine ourselves; explore what the term ‘Success’ means, and how the Pain-Pleasure Principle governs it. In general, success means to achieve something attempted or in other words experiencing a favourable outcome. We can say success means reaching our goals and desires. When we achieve our goals or desires, we experience a pleasurable state of mind, and that makes us feel good, and we feel satisfied. On the other hand, when we fail to achieve our goals and desires, we experience pain and dissatisfaction, which affects our mental state and therefore our quality of life.

It is a natural instinct in living beings to avoid pain and sufferings, and seek pleasurable states. This idea is governed by a powerful natural law called the Pain-Pleasure Principle. The Pain-Pleasure Principle is based on sensory perceptions. We use our sensory organs such as eyes, nose, tongue, ear, and skin to make meaning of the energy and information in our environment. We experience pain or pleasure depending on how we interpret or decode energy and information in our environment, and our interpretations influences our actions.

In our natural state, all of us use this principle without even realising it. We are easily attracted to anything that gives us pleasure, and any painful state is instantly rejected or avoided. Though we use this principle routinely, we must understand and examine the principle closely by bringing it to our conscious awareness. It is important because all our decisions do not lead to a pleasurable state. Let me illustrate this with an example, people smoke cigarettes to get some pleasure and avoid pain. Does it help them? Smokers may experience a momentary pleasure or relief but we know in the long run they suffer from the adverse affects of smoking. So we can say all decisions driven by momentary pleasure may not lead to a favourable outcome.

Human beings have the faculty of choice, so we can choose what we want in our life. If we become conscious on the way we use Pain-Pleasure Principle, we will make wise decisions after properly examining the outcome. So, next time you set a goal and commit yourself, think how you are going to achieve it? And what are you going to get as an outcome?

Let us do a simple exercise now:
Take a pen and a blank piece of paper, write down 10 things you rejected or avoided today to be happy. Write down what comes to your mind naturally. Once you have your list, examine them by thinking deeply, and now write down what you wanted to have instead. This simple and powerful exercise will help you to concentrate and focus on the way you make decisions. If you use it, you will feel re-energised, have better control on your life, and you will also increase your capacity to make informed decisions.

We will cover this topic in greater details soon in our ‘Vedic Coaching Programme’, and I will keep you informed through this blog. Take care and God bless!

posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 1:51 PM, 4 comments,

The story of God’s Child

Dear friends,

I want to share with you a beautiful story of a child and his conversations with God. My wife received this inspiring presentation from a friend through e-mail. And I want to give this to all the wonderful mothers in this world.

Before I begin, I would like to apologise for not keeping my promise. I was down with chicken pox and was not doing well. So, I could not publish the first part of the special programme based on Vedic Technology. But I must tell you that I am working on the project, and I will be able to present it to you soon.

The story

Once upon a time, there was a child ready to be born. One day the child asked God, “They tell me that you are going to send me to earth tomorrow but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?” God replied, “Among the many angels, I have chosen one for you. She will be waiting for you and will take care of you.”

The child looked sad, saying, “But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore.” At that moment, God hugged the child and said, “Your angel will always talk to you about me and will teach you the way to come back to me, even though I will always be next to you.” But said the child, “Tell me here in heaven I don’t do anything else but sing and smile. That’s what I need to be happy!” God said, “Your angel will sing for you everyday. And you will feel your angels love and be happy.”

The child looked up at God saying, “And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?” God smiled at the child and said, “Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray.”

The child then said, “I’ve heard that on earth there are bad men. Who will protect me from them?” God put his arm around the child, saying, “Your angel will defend you even if it means risking life!”

And said the child, “How am I able to understand when people talk to me, if I don’t know the language that men talk?” God then said smilingly, “My child that’s easy. Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak.”

Then the child in a hurry asked softly, “Oh God if I am about to leave now please tell me my angel’s name.” God replied, “Your angel’s name is of no importance as you will simply call her MOMMY!”

At that moment, there was much peace in heaven, but voices from earth could already be heard.

posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 4:29 AM, 2 comments,

The Art of Questioning

Hurray! I think I am getting back to my old form and I have started writing some meaningful stuff. I hope by the end of this week, I will be able to publish the first part of a life-changing programme based on 5000-year old Vedic Technology. I am sure you will hold your breath! But I promise not for long.

Anyways, to keep you busy I will re-introduce you to something extraordinary in this article. It is a simple but powerful technique of self-discovery and progress. So, what is it? It is the art of self-assessment and evaluation. It is the way we ask and question ourselves. Have you ever paid attention to something, which always talks to you? It is our inner voice. And it is an automatic process, as it talks to us intelligently without our active intervention. It just happens. Do you know how and from where it happens?

I am sure all of you have experienced your inner voice. But have you ever questioned: whose voice is it? Is it an inner being that is talking to you? Is the inner being and you the same entity? And how do you discover the identity and nature of that inner voice?

The next time you make any decision silently observe the way it talks to you. And when you do that you may hear it is saying something subtle such as, “Are you doing it right?” Or “Is it right for you?”

I would not write anymore on this topic now, as I want you to go back and reflect in your leisure peacefully and quietly. If you think deeply you might see something extraordinary happening to you.

Do let us know about your experience. Take care and God bless you.

posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 12:13 PM, 2 comments,

Passing Away

Dear friends,

This is the first article I am writing after my Baba (Dad in my native language) passed away in India on the 28th February 2007. I am thankful to all of you for supporting me by sending emails and leaving messages in the blog filled with love and compassion.

I went to India for the funeral and other ceremonies, and it did go very well. Though it was quite a demanding process as Hindu, i.e. the Vedic rites are time consuming. But I feel better now; being the only son, I have done my father’s last rites. There is a strange feeling though. And I must say it is a good feeling. When I think I have followed the footsteps of my ancestors, which has been going on for thousands of years in India.

After I came back to England, I have received lot of support from my friends and colleagues. So, I am grateful to God to have you all with me, as my extended family.

Today, I want to present to you a great piece of text, which I received, from one of my colleagues. It touched my heart and left a mark on my Soul.

“Death is nothing at all. I have only slipped away into the next room. I am I, and you are you. Whatever we were to each other, that we still are. Call me by my old familiar name, speak to me in the easy way which you always used. Put no difference in your tone, wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.

Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed together. Pray, smile, think of me, pray for me. Let my name be the household word that it always was. Let it be spoken without effect, without the trace of a shadow on it. Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it ever was; there is unbroken continuity. Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight? I am waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near, just round the corner. All is well.”

Thank you, I will try to get back to my old routine soon, and publish more articles. God bless you all.

posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 11:52 AM, 8 comments,


Hi Friends,

My Dad passed away and I am going to India for the funeral on 8th March. Just to let you know that I won't be writing for a while.

Take care and God bless

posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 1:19 AM, 26 comments,

NLP: How to Communicate Effectively

It is true that communication is the key to success in this fast paced digitised world. We live in an ‘Information Age’, and our life has been dramatically transformed by the advancement in science and technology. The information highway has revolutionised the way we interact with people.

The Information and Communication Technology has to a great extent removed the intermediary, and enabled us to talk to our target audience direct. This has opened the enormous opportunity of new and effective relationship building and growth.

But whether you use advanced technology or the golden old ways of personal communication, effectiveness in human communication remains the key to excellence.

And any form of communication is successful only when the audience gets the right or intended message. In other words, we can say, “The meaning of the communication is the response that we get.” We may spend millions of advertising dollars but we may not get the desired response. And I am sure you are aware of many marketing disasters. This concept does not apply to business and organisations only but also in our personal life.

For example, you are interacting with someone and you are not getting the response that you expected. The best course of action in such a situation is to reflect and rethink the way you are communicating. And change your approach so the other person responds positively. And this is important if you want to get the desired response and achieve success.

Remember, our success in communication does not entirely depend on how well planned or organised we are, please do not get me wrong, planning, and organising is important but communication is successful only when we get the desired response. We cannot control somebody else’s response but we can always influence it by using a suitable strategy and some innovative thinking.


(1) If you are not getting the desired response, reflect, rethink, and change your approach till you get the desired result.

(2) If you are not getting the desired response from your target audience, ask yourself, “What can I do to get the desired response?” And do it. Or, you can further explore to see if anyone is getting the right response from the same audience. If they are, learn and mirror them, and get the desired outcome.

posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 7:41 AM, 3 comments,

How to use NLP Future Pacing to Achieve Excellence in Your Life?

“Change Your Mental Picture & You Will Change Your Life”

Have you ever thought that we have a mental image of ourselves stored in our mind? We form certain opinions about ourselves, on what we can do or achieve in our life. Are you surprised to know this? Self-image is what we think about ourselves, the mental picture which we form about our abilities. Self-image influences our self-esteem, attitude, and our behaviour. We create a high boundary wall and we work within that mental boundary or framework. And that becomes our comfort zone. So, our achievement and success in life is highly dependent on our Self-image. If self-image is that important, do we need to do something about it? Please read on if you want to create a positive self-image.

We hold both positive and negative views about ourselves and self-image is the sum total of both. Comfort zone does not necessarily mean that it is the best place for us. We may experience great pain in our comfort zone but still we may like to stay there. Normally we do not like to go out of that zone and accept a new challenge because we become use to that lifestyle. Human beings always resist change and we fail to accept that our environment is constantly changing.

I have met many people in my life and I know for certain that they can live a far better lifestyle if they change. But they prefer to stay where they are in their so-called comfort zone. And the problem is they even do not realise that they are suffering. I have done it myself in the past. There were times in life where I let myself down. I thought I cannot do something, but later, I realised that it was only my thinking, which was limiting and stopping me to move forward.

But one thing that I always do when I identify a limiting belief; I do my best to find a new way and take a different approach. Replace the old limiting belief with a new powerful and positive belief. I believe and often say to myself, “I have unlimited potential.” When we repeat this statement again and again, amazing things start to happen in our life. You do not need to trust me, try it yourself sincerely for at least a year. There is no quick fix. Then, you can decide for yourself what the truth is.

Let me tell you a real life story, a couple of months ago I was watching the news in BBC. And became shocked when I watched the news about a young woman who faced torture from her partner for many years before she sought any help from Police. During the interrogation, she revealed why she did not seek help earlier. Surprisingly, she said that she felt the torture and agony was a normal part of her life.

I still cannot believe it. And at that moment, I asked myself: how can someone form such a negative self-image? I am sure you know about similar examples where people let themselves down. They think they do not deserve any better. Can you remember any such examples?

Let me share a beautiful story about an eagle. Once upon a time somehow, a chicken hatched an eagle’s egg. So, the eagle grew up with other baby chicks. And with his other chick mates, he learnt what everyone did in the chicken world. In other words, he adopted a pure chicken lifestyle. So, everyday he used to go looking for food with his Mom and others, scratching and digging the ground looking for grass, seeds, and insects. And it seemed he was living his dream.

One day the eagle saw a majestic bird flying in the sky and he turned to a fellow chicken and asked him, “Hey look how wonderful that bird looks in the sky.” The fellow chicken replied, “Don’t you know that’s a majestic eagle. We can’t fly like them because we are chickens and meant to be in the ground.”

The eagle accepted what his mate said to him and nodded his head. Thereafter he led a life of a chicken and died, as because he formed a self-image and he believed that he was a chicken. Now we need to ask ourselves: do we sometimes behave like this eagle? Can we fly high majestically if we change our mental picture? Yes, off course we can, the moment we decide to take a new approach to life.

When we decide to break out of that boundary or loop, we experience ultimate freedom, and that becomes the turning point of our life. You can stop reading for a moment, think deeply, and identify your mental boundary. What is keeping you behind? What is limiting you to grow and have more in your life? What are your limiting beliefs? Is there anything that is stopping you to reach your full potential? Take your time and identify any blocks or barriers that you have at the moment. When you identify them, write them down immediately.

Now ask yourself: what can I do to change them? How can I change my approach to life? What are the different options or choices? And write them down as well. At this stage you do not need to worry whether they are right or wrong, just write them down as a list, as you can always change and modify it later. It is your life so it is you who decide what is right or wrong for you. Off course, we have to keep in mind that our actions do not harm or disturb others.

When you think deeply and start to question yourself, you will experience deep change, and move towards releasing your untapped hidden powers. And you will also realise that some of the opinions you held about yourself seems unfounded now. You might even laugh at yourself. And this happened to me a few times.

Sometimes when I sit down and look back I laugh at myself thinking about few opinions and views, which I held about myself in the past. I now know that they were my limiting beliefs. I don’t feel sorry or repent, but I definitely reflect and learn from my mistakes or feedback. Remember, there is no failure in life, only feedback. If you do not like something, keep changing your approach till you get what you want.

There are many successful people in this world who have faced severe hardships but they never stopped and accepted defeat. “When the going gets tough the tough gets going”,
read this inspiring story of this brave man called Stephen Hawking. Take responsibility for your own life if you want to control and create your own destiny, if you decide otherwise, someone else will. Let me quote Anthony Robbins, one of the world’s top motivational speakers, “It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.”

Read about this great man if you think you are a failure or not achieved much in your life. Then, ask yourself: if he can do it why not me? We have to keep in mind if we want something amazing to happen in our life we have to pay a price. Ask yourself: Did I pay a price? Or, Am I ready to pay a price? And I believe that if I am not ready to pay the right price than I should not expect it.

By ‘paying a price’, I mean the following: Am I taking responsibility for my life? Am I taking massive action? Am I doing everything possible to achieve what I want in my life? Are you the man who believes, “The man who wins Is the man who thinks he can!” You can
read this beautiful poem by Walter D. Wintle.

Remember, the more positive is your mental picture about yourself, the better are your chances of success. Change your mental picture and you will transform your life. So, how simple is that?

Let us explore briefly how we form our mental picture. Do you know that your mental picture started to take shape from the day you were born? Our environment has a massive impact on how we think and behave. Our parents, brothers and sisters, family members, friends, teachers, supervisors and everyone we have met till now have played a role in our life. And influenced us in some way.

They told us what is right or wrong. Some of them were experts in their field; ‘Gurus’ or they had more of life’s experience. Some of them even made some major decisions of our life. They told us what they personally felt was right. In other words, they gave their own opinions. And we accepted some of the opinions without giving a second thought. We never questioned whether that opinion is right or wrong. Or whether it is applicable in today’s environment.

Remember the way people treated you and behaved with you made the person you are today. Let me give you an example, a teacher might have reprimanded you in your Math class for not doing so well. And from that day, you thought that you are not good at Math. Therefore, every time you faced a Math problem you avoided it, and you sent a message to your brain, “I am not good at Math.” And you told your parents, friends, and everyone that you are not good at Math. So the more you did that your opinion about yourself became stronger and stronger, and gradually you formed a mental image that you are not good at Math.

It is important to understand that when we make a statement we try to collect evidence to support that statement. We want that statement to be true. For example, if someone says, “I am not good at Math”, he or she will collect all the necessary evidence to support that statement. And in real life, they will act and behave accordingly, and they will also expect others to support their statement. And with every reference or support, his or her belief will get stronger and stronger. Then, it forms an integral part of his or her self-image. For this example, I am assuming that the individual is not suffering from any mental or physical disability.

But I would also say that a disability should not be an excuse, we have many examples in this world.
Stephen Hawking is one of them, and I have great respect for this brave man.


Now let us do some simple exercise, which will help us to challenge our limiting beliefs, remove and replace them with empowering positive beliefs. We will also use some NLP to change our mental picture to a more positive one. Are you excited? I know it is a long article, but we know it well there is no quick fix solutions.

(1) Be careful what you say to yourself. Always send positive messages to your brain. From the previous example, let’s say you feel that you are not good at Math. Say to yourself, “I am good at Math.” It does not matter whether the statement is true or not, now. It will become true with repetition. But you have to take necessary action such as taking extra Math tuition. Jim Rohn said, “Affirmations without discipline is the beginning of delusion.” Affirmation with discipline creates miracles. So, if you do not take some concrete actions, only affirmations are not going to make any difference. You have to walk your talk. Read the following articles:

Your thoughts decide your destiny 1
(b) Your thoughts decide our destiny 2
(c) The Principle of positive self-talk
(d) Strategies for developing self-confidence

(2) Easiest way to identify your limiting belief is to challenge and question yourself. Whenever you say that I cannot do something, make sure that you question yourself. And find out how other people are doing it. Learn by modelling or mirroring their actions or behaviour. Find out exactly what they are doing and do it.

(3) If you fail in doing something, never give up; keep changing your approach till you get the desired result. There is no failure in this world, only feedback. We learn at each step, accept without hesitation that learning is a natural part of our life. Say to yourself, “It is alright to make mistakes.” But please do not abuse it. You know what I mean. Don’t you?

(4) Let me show you how to use a simple but immensely powerful NLP (
Introduction to NLP) technique called ‘Future Pacing’. It will help you to re-engineer your thinking. In future pacing you mentally rehearse a future outcome to ensure that you get the desired result. It is similar to visualisation. Some of you may be aware of visualisation technique, but if you are not, there is nothing to worry. The following examples will make it clear. Please feel free to adapt and change these examples to suit your needs.

(a) How to Use NLP Future Pacing to Excel in Job Interviews?
(b) How to Use NLP Future Pacing for Effective Dating?

posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 7:43 AM, 3 comments,

How to Use NLP Future Pacing to Excel in Job Interviews?

Let us say you want to achieve excellence in your performance during an interview.

Future Pacing
Before you begin this exercise, find a quiet place where you will not have any disturbance. Close your eyes and take few deep breaths. Inhale and exhale deeply and gently. Please do it for about 10 times and say to yourself, “I am calm and relaxed.”

Now with your eyes closed, imagine in your minds eye that you are in your favourite movie theatre. You are alone and sitting comfortably in a seat in the theatre. And you are feeling calm and relaxed.

Now imagine that you are watching yourself on the big cinema screen. And visualise the interview scenario. It is similar to watching a movie. Remember in this movie, you and the other members in the interview panel are the actors.

Imagine that you have walked into the interview room, you have greeted everyone with a gentle smile, and you have a sign of confidence on your face. Then, when they ask you to take a sit, you thank them, and sit down comfortably.

Imagine that you are acting and behaving in a confident and relaxed manner. You have a gentle smile in your face and you are answering all questions confidently. Think about the exact questions and answer them effectively.

Imagine that you are sending positive vibes to the panel members and you are enjoying every moment of the interview. You are in total control. You are managing yourself effectively by using suitable body language. You feel powerful because you know you can convincingly answer all questions. You are confident about your skills and abilities. You are a unique and wonderful human being. Once you have finished the interview, you thank the panel members, and leave the room feeling great.

Remember, whatever you do in the future pacing exercise, you can easily replicate it in the real life interview. I do it in my life and I also do it often with my clients, it works wonders. The interesting part of this exercise is that you can do it as many times as you want. If you do not like something, keep changing your approach till you get the desired outcome. There is no failure, only feedback.

Let’s say you do not like something in the first session, your body language, voice, or whatever. Then in the second session repeat the same process and change what you do not like to what you like.

As you do this exercise few times, you will experience the great change in you. You will become more confident in accepting any new challenge in your life. You will remain calm and relaxed.

Good luck! And God bless.

posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 7:42 AM, No comment,

How to Use NLP for Effective Dating?

Let us say you want to achieve excellence while you Date someone. And make it a memorable experience.

Future Pacing
Before you begin this exercise, find a quiet place where you will not have any disturbance. Close your eyes and take few deep breaths. Inhale and exhale deeply and gently. Please do it for about 10 times and say to yourself, “I am calm and relaxed.”

Now with your eyes closed, imagine in your minds eye that you are in your favourite movie theatre. You are alone and sitting comfortably in a seat in the theatre. And you are feeling calm and relaxed.

Now imagine that you are watching yourself on the big cinema screen. And visualise the dating scenario. It is similar to watching a movie. Remember in this movie, you and your partner are the actors.

Imagine that you have walked into the restaurant or wherever you want to go, you have greeted your partner with a gentle smile, and you have a sign of confidence on your face. Then, when he/she asks you to take a sit, you thank them, and sit down comfortably.

Imagine that you are acting and behaving in a confident and relaxed manner. You have a gentle smile in your face and you are interacting with your partner confidently. You are in total control. Think about the exact topic of your conversation, and talk effectively.

Imagine that you are sending positive vibes to your partner and everyone in the room and you are enjoying every moment. You are managing yourself effectively by using suitable body language. You feel powerful because you know you have all the good qualities in you. You are confident about your life, skills, and abilities. You are a unique and wonderful human being. Once you have had your meal and the nice conversations, you thank your partner, and leave the place feeling great.

Remember, whatever you do in the future pacing exercise, you can easily replicate it in the real life situation. I do it in my life and I also do it often with my clients, it works wonders. The interesting part of this exercise is that you can do it as many times as you want. If you do not like something, keep changing your approach till you get the desired outcome. There is no failure, only feedback.

Let’s say you do not like something in the first session, your body language, voice, or whatever. Then in the second session repeat the same process and change what you do not like to what you like.

As you do this exercise few times, you will experience the great change in you. You will become more confident in accepting any new challenge in your life. You will remain calm and relaxed.

Good luck! And God bless.

posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 7:40 AM, No comment,

How to be aware of opportunities and threats by resolving conflicts?

Sometimes I wonder how much time and energy we spend on conflict resolution both in personal and professional setting. Can we avoid it? Can we save precious time and energy if we are proactive? I feel at times we become so involved with our differences and ego that we lose focus of our present opportunities and threats. Fire fighting takes prominence rather than looking forward for newer goals and objectives. Think for a moment and ask yourself: do we need to step back and reflect on our actions?

What happens normally when we have a difference with someone? We become defensive and overprotective. And I think it is normal as a human being, as it is a basic part of our nature. We want to prove our point; we want to make sure that people understand us. But the problem occurs when we do not retract and reflect on the situation to find a middle way. And more often than not, we find the other person doing the same. And this results in a deadlock.

So, what should we do and what is the best principle to follow? I have written about the
Win-Win principle before, and I feel that it is the best way to resolve a conflict, read the article, and see if you can relate it to conflict resolution.

I am sure you will be able to find your own answers by reading the
Win-Win principle. What happens if we do not act wisely and resolve our conflict? There is a beautiful story, which I would like to share with you now and it fits in well with this article. This story is again a gift from my Dida – Grand mom in my native language. I hope you enjoy it.

The story

There lived two gorgeous cats in a little village in India, and they were great friends. They loved to go for long walks together and that also helped them to find their daily food. One fine sunny day as they were passing by a rich merchant’s house, the merchant’s daughter saw the cats and liked them. So, she lovingly offered them a large piece of tasty biscuit. The cats became delighted and overjoyed. I am sure they thanked the lady in their own cat mannerism, and quickly took the biscuit and went to a safer place.

They decided to sit under the cool shade of a banyan tree and enjoy the meal. One of them divided the biscuit into two parts so they can share it. But a problem arose, as one part of the biscuit was little larger than the other. And both of them wanted to have the larger part. This created a big tussle between the two friends.

By seeing this entire episode, a monkey who was sitting in that tree volunteered to solve the matter. So, he told the two cats to stop fighting and assured them that he would resolve their differences. The cats felt relieved and stopped fighting.

So, to make the two pieces of biscuits equal, the monkey took the larger piece and had a bite. The cats saw this and asked the monkey, “Why are you eating our biscuit? You have told us that you are going to make both the parts equal and solve our problem.” The monkey replied, “Yes that’s what I am doing. If I do not take off a part from the larger piece how can I make them equal.” The cats thought the monkey was right, and was doing his best to help them.

Once the monkey had the first bite, he compared the two pieces. Now it seemed the other piece is bigger. And he asked the cats about what they thought. The cats replied, “Still the two pieces are not equal.” So, the monkey had another bite of the larger piece. And this time as well the two pieces seemed unequal. So, as the cats watched, the monkey took one bite after the other to make the two pieces equal. Gradually, at a point, there was nothing left because the monkey had eaten the whole biscuit. Then he ran away. The cats then realised how foolish they have been by not resolving their conflict themselves, and they decided not to make the same mistake ever again in their lifetime. So, they shook hands and carried on with their stroll.

Before I close, I would ask you to project your consciousness on the article again, and reflect for a while. And then, take a piece of paper and a pen, sit down in a quiet place, and do the following exercise. And soon you will see the difference it makes to your life.


(1) Ask yourself: what can I learn from this story?
(2) What happens when we give in to our ego?
(3) Is it necessary to resolve a conflict quickly by following the
Win-Win principle?
(4) What happens when we involve ourselves in a conflict, do we lose focus of our threats and opportunities? Take a moment and think does it apply to both family and professional situations?

posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 6:33 AM, 4 comments,

Power of Choice: Stephen Hawking and his Incredible Inner Strength

I usually publish three articles a week though I want to write more and connect with you but somehow I cannot manage to write because of severe time constraints.

I want to tell you something strange about this article. I was wondering last night about what I am going to write this weekend and therefore I was not too sure. But strangely, this morning about 4 am the thought of Stephen Hawking’s life came to my mind. And I decided to write about his incredible inner strength.

Anyway, I did some quick research and sat down to write an article based on his incredible life story. And I must say that I am deeply inspired by his story of personal power, inner strength, courage hope, and determination.

We know Stephen from his great work on Physics. And his famous book ‘Brief History of Time’ was my personal favourite. I am sure you are also aware that he has contributed a lot to us through his research, and he did these despite his severe disability.

Let me quote this powerful words that touched me the most, “I have had motor neurone disease for practically all my adult life. Yet it has not prevented me from having a very attractive family, and being successful in my work. This is thanks to the help I have received from Jane, my children, and a large number of other people and organisations. I have been lucky, that my condition has progressed more slowly than is often the case. But it shows that one need not lose hope.” And I suddenly thought if he could do it despite all his difficulties. If he could overcome all his obstacles, we can do it too. We have something to learn from this brave man.

Now let me tell you about the ‘Power of Choice’. The ‘Power of Choice’ simply means our inner power to choose what we want in life. Our decisions shape our life. It does not matter what happens to us in life but what we decide to do with what happens, and that is what shapes our destiny. This is exactly what Stephen Hawking has done in his life. He is disabled, he cannot write or speak, but he decided he would do his best to contribute to the society. And he has done wonders.

When we face an unexpected event in life whether it is personal or professional, we as humans lose control on our decision-making capacity. Sometimes even worse, we make the wrong decisions or choices. It did happen to me several times and I felt I was powerless, out of control and my life was in a mess. Did it ever happen to you? Did you ever feel you are out of control? I am sure we did at some point.

So, what should we do in such situations? It is important to realise and understand clearly that we are always in control. It does not matter what happens to our life, we always have the choice to drive ourselves forward by striving continuously. It is true that sometimes our life’s journey becomes difficult if we hit rough weather. And I completely agree that driving through life isn’t easy during those times. But we always have a choice to sit idle, repent, moan and groan or take responsibility and do something to change and take control of the situation.

By taking responsibility, I mean becoming firm with our decisions. To muster the courage and strength, to make ourselves determined, to believe in ourselves by saying we can always find a way if we have the will.

We should also remember that we always have the choice to create a way if we don’t have one. Before I close let me share with you this beautiful proverb, “No choice is also a choice.” Please
click here to read the inspiring and energising short story of Stephen Hawking. And then, take a piece of paper and a pen, sit down in a quiet place, and do the following exercise. And soon you will see the difference it makes to your life.


(1) Take a moment and ask yourself how this article will help you.
(2) Focus on what you have, in other words, ‘Count your blessings not your sorrows’. Make a list of all the positive things in your life, if you do, you will make an amazing and empowering discovery.
(3) What did you learn from Stephen Hawking’s life?
(4) How can you create your own destiny by making the right choices every moment?
(5) Think deeply and visualise how you can create your own way, if you feel you don’t have one.

posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 8:26 AM, 4 comments,

How to use the Ripple Effect Principle to make a positive difference to the world?

Do you want to do something different in this world? Do you want to touch people’s lives in a special way? Yes off course we do. Don’t we? We want people to acknowledge our work. We want people to treat us with respect. And we also want to give something back to the world; we want our friends and families to feel proud of us. And when I use the word difference, I do not necessarily mean in a materialistic sense but in a wider context.

So, what exactly is making a difference to this world mean? Is it only the domain of celebrities or famous people who connect them to millions? Or can it happen in every little thing we do in our life? Does it mean we can touch everyone we meet in a special way?

We have our own belief systems. We have a unique way of looking at life, what is good or bad, or what is important to us. Let me tell you about myself. My idea of making a difference to this world was to help people to lead a blissful and harmonious life. And as far as I remember, I had this thought for many, many years. And I also had the problem of not knowing what to do, how to do it, or how to make a start. Did you ever face such a problem?

As I did not know the secret of making a difference, I used to think and make many plans and say to myself I will do this or I will do that. I am not saying this thinking did not help me but I was not achieving or doing much at a physical level. Whenever I used to say I want to do something for people my Dad used to say to me, “Charity begins at home.” He also said, “Start small, help yourself first, help people in the family, and make them happy.”

I think I did not take his words too seriously, and I suppose it was my immaturity as a youngster. We sometimes think that we are smarter than the older generation. Don’t we? I did not realise what he meant until few years from now. And I know and understand now that he was talking about the ‘Inside Out Approach’.

Have you ever noticed what happens when you throw a stone in a still water? We see the ripple effect in action, isn’t it? So, the ‘Inside Out Approach’ is nothing but the ‘Ripple Effect Approach'. So, if we want to make a difference to this world we need to follow the Ripple Effect Principle. And if we follow it diligently, we will continuously expand our centre of influence.

And the most important thing to remember, it starts with us, we have to make a difference to our life first. If we want to create, positivity in our life, we have to become positive first. If we want to influence and bring a positive change in someone else’s life, we have to change ourselves first. And the same natural law applies to creating abundance both material and spiritual. Now let me share with you another beautiful story about a Buddhist monk.

The story

One day after a big storm, a Buddhist monk went for a walk on the sea beach. As he was walking and enjoying himself, he suddenly noticed the sea waves have washed large amount of fish to the seashore. And as he watched, it made him feel bad, as most of them were dying because of dryness of the sand. So, he stopped and started to pick the fish that were alive, and put them back to the seawater one by one.

A fisherman who was also present there saw the monk, and found the monk’s behaviour little strange. So, he went and said to the monk, “There are thousands of fish on the seashore, and you cannot put all of them back to the sea. So, your effort of picking one fish at a time won’t make any difference.”

What do you think was the monk’s reply? Can you make a guess? So, the monk looked at the fisherman as he picked another fish and said to him, “I am going to make a difference to this fish right now.” The fisherman then realised what the monk meant so without making any more comments joined him to save the dying fishes.

Now that you have read the beautiful story I would ask you to take a moment, think what you have gained from this article, and how you can use it in your life. Also, please ask yourself: How can I use the ‘Ripple Effect Principle’ to make a positive difference to the world? Take care and may God bless.

posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 1:39 PM, 3 comments,

How can we free ourselves from becoming the prisoner of our own thoughts?

This story is about my sister and me and as I am writing, I am going back to a point in time in India, almost 25 years from now. We had only one TV set at home. As it happens with children in every family, we had frequent fights on who is going to watch their favourite programme and so on. I do not know whether some of you still remember about a popular television series called ‘Dallas’. And that was my favourite. My sister never liked it and she had a choice of a different programme broadcasted at the same time.

So, one fine day we had a massive disagreement. I am sure you can easily imagine the situation as we have all gone through those funny moments of life. Childish sentiments and rage was in the air. Nothing helped to ameliorate the situation. Though I feel bad now as I always won being an elder brother and a boy I suppose. And I think she was more forgiving and understanding, as she always is.

Anyway, we stopped talking to each other and the whole situation was warlike. You must be wondering what happened next. My Dida - Grandma in my native language - saw this situation differently. I suppose she knew how to handle us better than anyone else in the family. So, one night just before going to bed she said to us, “Are you interested in listening to a beautiful story?” As I have told you before, she was such a wonderful presenter, and we could have never said a ‘No’ at this great offer. So, we all sat down in our favourite corner of the house.

The story

Once upon a time two Buddhist monks went for a trip to the nearest village. And as they were returning to their monastery they approached the village stream, where they saw a beautiful woman struggling to cross the stream. So, the monks stopped and looked at each other, as they did not know how to help her. Then, the older monk decided to approach the woman, and as the younger monk watched, he lifted her in his arms, crossed the river, and gently put her down on the other side. The woman was grateful, and thanked the monk for his generosity.

Then, the monks carried on with their journey to the monastery. Once they had reached their destination, the younger monk seemed little unhappy. And he approached the older monk and said, “How could you commit such a sin? We are monks and we should not touch a woman. How could you lift the beautiful woman in your arms and cross the stream?” The older monk with a gentle smile in his face replied, “I have left her on the other side of the stream but you are still carrying her.” The younger monk soon realised his mistake and asked for forgiveness.

After our Dida finished the story, she asked both of us about the moral of the story. Since we found it difficult to give the right answer, she explained to us how our past thoughts determine and control our present actions and thoughts. Then she said to us, “You had a difference of opinion in the past but why are you still carrying it in your mind.” And related our thinking to the monk. Both my sister and I did understand the principle instantaneously and we called a truce. I must also tell you that as kids, we did have differences after that day but the wonderful memories of that moment are still fresh in my mind.

So, take a moment and think whether you have gained anything from this story. How you can apply this principle in your own life? How many times do we think like the younger monk? Do we carry hatred? Does it help us both physically and spiritually? How can we free ourselves from becoming the prisoner of our own thoughts? If you have something interesting to share with us, please do leave a message. In the meantime, let me go and call my sister in US to read this article. Take care and may God bless.

posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 8:48 AM, 4 comments,

Applying the Law of Dharma: Success Equation and Bill Gates

The Law of Dharma has three main parts and we can see them in the success equation given below. In this exercise let us do something different and interesting. Let us explore and examine whether we can apply this principle to Bill Gates’ life. Isn’t it exciting?

Success =
Identify your Unique Talent
Nurture and develop the talent
Identify the unique needs of others and serve them elegantly

Exploring Bill Gates’ life using the success equation:

(1) Did he identify his unique talents?
- He was passionate about software programming, and from a young age he use to spend hours writing computer programs.
- He knew that he could succeed using his unique talent. He is a man of great vision.
- He knew that he could revolutionise and change the world of computing.
- He also knew that he could touch other people’s lives in a special way using his unique talents.
- He believed in himself.
(2) Did he nurture and develop his talent?
- He knew computer programming was his unique talent. So, what did he do with it?
- He took massive action. He was 100% committed and he used his skill to create abundance.
- He worked hard and stayed focused on what he wanted to achieve.
- He created a map for his life’s journey.
- He continually developed and improved his programming and marketing skills.
- He partnered and networked with people.
(3) Did he identify the unique needs of others and serve them elegantly?
- He found out there lies a huge opportunity in computer software industry.
- He envisioned that computers would revolutionise the society. He realised the power of personal computers, and used his unique skills and talents to develop the famous Windows Operating System and the Windows Office tools. So, did he know about our unique needs? I am sure you would agree he did. Did he serve them elegantly? Yes, he made it easy for us to use a computer through the special Windows Graphical User Interface.

We have explored Bill Gates’ life using our success equation, let us ask ourselves the following questions: What happened to him when he applied this equation? Did he succeed? Did he realise his dream? Did he create abundance? Did he make a difference to our lives?

Now let us take some time and visualise about our own life. Then, take a piece of paper and a pen, and write down the success equation. And identify and apply each part in your life. Please share with us what happens next. Take care and may God bless.

posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 1:54 PM, 1 comment,

Be Inspired: One-Minute Principle of Time Management for Perfect Happiness

Sometimes I feel and say to myself, I wish there was more time in a day. I work full-time in a secondary school in England and my responsibilities besides teaching include line managing as I lead the ICT department. I also have my personal commitments, and I love writing, as it is a way of realising my full potential and connecting with all of you. I am passionate about it. I also need to find time for my life coaching.

So, I find the balancing act challenging at times. Managing our time in this fast paced world is a real problem. Isn’t it? I am sure all of you have busy schedules and have various types of responsibilities and face similar problems in managing your time.

So, how do we manage our time in a better way? Let me share with you a simple idea, which I came across a few years ago, and I found it amazing as it works wonders if we can apply it creatively. Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield says, "I recommend you to take care of the minutes, for the hours will take care of themselves."

So, What did I do with this simple idea?

(1) I plan and I have a schedule for my whole day. I break up the day into small manageable chunks. I remain flexible, as I know I may have to deal with any unforeseen events.
(2) I say to myself whatever I am doing at this minute I will do it to the best of my ability. I will apply the One-Minute principle.
(3) I also say to myself, I am happy every minute, as I know if I am happy every minute, I will easily remain happy for the hour, and eventually it will help me to remain happy throughout the day. It works for me, so you can try to see if it works for you. I have also found, by simply saying and acting as if I am happy this minute makes a big difference to the state of my mind.

So, whatever your role is at this minute Mom, Dad, Grand Mom, Grand Dad, Homemaker, Cook, Cleaner, Manager, Business owner, Lawyer, Teacher, Doctor, Sales personnel or any other role, please apply this principle and make effective use of this minute. And see for yourself what happens to the hour, and if possible please share your experience with us.

posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 3:43 AM, 6 comments,

Be Inspired: Anger Management

“Good sense makes a man restrain his anger, and it is his glory to overlook a transgression or an offence.” Proverbs 19:11 (Amplified Bible)

How do we feel when we are angry or when we carry an internal grudge against someone? Certainly, we do not feel comfortable. Do we? We know that we live in a materialistic world and we cannot deny or avoid its influences. And sometimes we face events in life, which affects our mental equilibrium.

Anger is a killer and we know from scientific evidence that it can cause serious damage to our system. According to various spiritual scriptures, ‘Anger’ is not a normal part of our human nature. And through regular practice, we can form a habit to ward off this external element from reaching and manifesting our system.

Let me share with you a beautiful Buddhist story on anger management told by my grand mom when I was a little boy.

The Story

One day a Buddhist monk approached his spiritual teacher with a problem. And the monk looked worried. So, the teacher asked him in a loving voice, “My son why do you look so worried.” The monk replied, “I have a big problem with my anger, and I feel out of control when I am angry. Please help me to get rid of this habit”

The teacher then said to the monk, “You have something that is not normal and I find it strange. Show me your anger now. Where is it?”

The monk became little surprised at the teacher’s comment. Then he said to the teacher, “I cannot show it to you because it is not there in me now.”

So, the teacher said, “Why can’t you show it to me right now?” And the monk replied, “As it is only there when I am angry and I can experience it at that particular moment.”

Then the teacher said, “If the anger is there in you only for a moment, it cannot be a part of your true nature. And if it was your true nature, you could have shown it to me right now.” Then, the teacher went on and said, “Why are you allowing something which is not a part of your true nature to control and agonise you?”

The monk immediately realised what the teacher meant, and it opened his eyes. So, he vowed to his teacher and thanked him for the advice.

In future, whenever the monk felt angry, he recalled what his teacher has said to him, and that helped him to gain full control of his mental state. Before I close, I would like to ask you to take a moment and think, is there anything that we can gain from this beautiful story?

Take care and may God bless you. Catch you soon!

posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 2:24 PM, 4 comments,

Be Inspired: The Power of Courage and Inner Strength - Conquering Critics

How many times you had a fantastic idea in your mind, but you stopped yourself from pursuing it? And later, you found out that someone else has acted on a similar idea and achieved a great deal. So, what is the difference between you and the other person?

When you look back, you realise that something powerful stopped you from taking action. Sometimes we think more about what other people are going to think about us. Are they going to accept our idea? Are they going to be too critical about it? Am I doing it right? Am I going to embarrass myself? Did these questions ever arise in your mind? I am sure you will agree with me that we have all experienced this inner voice. One part of our self-says that we can do it, and at the same time, the other part says that we can’t. It is like an inner tug-of-war. We need courage and determination to overpower the part, which says we can’t.

If we think deeply we will find that we often focus more on the external elements rather than looking inside. We become object referral rather than self-referral. We become easily influenced by external stimulus. What happens when we do that? I am sure by now you have already got the message that I am trying to send to you.

Please stop reading and think for moment. Can we make progress in our life and achieve excellence if we always worry about what other people might think about our actions? Can we satisfy everyone? Or should we reinforce our inner strength and courage by focussing on our goal rather than focussing on external event?

Let us look at this beautiful quotation and see what Ralph Waldo Emerson has to say, “Whatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising that tempt you to believe your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires some of the same courage that a soldier needs. Peace has its victories, but it takes brave men and women to win them.”

What can we learn from this beautiful message? Would it be a good idea to think how we can apply it in our day-to-day lives? As I write this article, an interesting story suddenly came to my mind, and let me share it with you. The story is about Robert Fulton the man who invented the steamboat. After completing his dream project Robert Fulton wanted to display his invention to people in the Hudson River. So, many people gathered on the riverbank to see how the steamboat works. When the boat was ready and about to begin its journey the critics and pessimists commented the boat wouldn’t move at all. To their surprise, the steam engine propelled the boat and it steadily moved forward. Now, when they saw the boat moving they started saying, “Though the boat is moving forward, it wouldn’t stop.” Great views, isn’t it? So, what do we learn from this story? And what should we do to move ourselves forward despite all the external influences?

The following list has some tips but it is not an exhaustive one, please use your imagination, and add more:

(1) Identify your passion.
(2) Create a plan of action.
(3) Take massive action.
(4) Stay focussed on your goal.
(5) Trust your inner self.
(6) Do not share your goals with too many people.
(7) Lead life based on sound universal principles.
(8) Ask yourself, ‘How can I help? And ‘How can I contribute?’
(9) Choose your companions carefully.
(10) Think how an external stimulus can help you to move forward. If it does not add value, ignore it sensibly.
(11) Develop and follow a programme of continuous development.

posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 1:29 PM, 3 comments,

Be Inspired: The Principle of Positive Self-Talk

Have you ever thought how we treat ourselves? Do we talk to ourselves with love and care? Do we show enough respect to our self? Let us take a moment and think what we do when we make a mistake or do not get the desired result? Do we tell ourselves off? How many times do we call ourselves ‘Stupid’ or use a similar word to express our dissatisfaction? If we think about these questions deeply then we will discover that often we treat ourselves unfairly. And when we do not treat ourselves properly, the world treats us in the same way.

I had this bad habit myself. Whenever I made a mistake, I used to blame and curse myself, and carried a feeling of guilt with me. What happens if we do this? First, our subconscious mind accepts whatever we say as true. If we say to ourselves, we are not good at doing something. Immediately our subconscious mind receives this message and records it as true; because it does not judge any statement, we make.

When I realised the way we talk or communicate to ourselves decide the quality of our life and our effectiveness, I changed my approach. I desperately wanted to break free from this never-ending cycle. So, what did I do?

When we talk to ourselves positively, we send positive feedback or message to our brain. And this reinforces our action and our experience. On the other hand, if we talk to ourselves with a negative tone, we send a negative feedback or message to our brain. And we tell our brain that we are a failure and this further reinforces and records the negative experience.

Whatever feedback we send either positive or negative is recorded in our brain. It is like a solid mark in a piece of paper. So, if it is negative it remains like a scar in our mind. And this has a massive impact on our behaviour, confidence, and self-esteem. That is the reason we doubt ourselves in doing certain things in life. We form a fear of doing something, if we have failed in the past, and record that experience as a negative one, and our internal self-talk process further strengthens it.

It is important that we pay attention on how we communicate with ourselves and get rid of the habit of sending negative signals to our brain. Sometimes it may become a real challenge for us to try to change our habits, which have formed from many years of negative reinforcement. So, how do we change and form a habit of positive self-talk?

I would like to share with you some simple ideas, which I have used in my life to cut through the never-ending cycle of negative self-talk. And let me also tell you the truth, despite my practice I still fall prey to this cycle. So, it is a constant battle. But as soon as I realise I am going the wrong way, I fiercely bounce back.

Some simple tips:

(1) From this moment, unconditionally accept that it is all right to make mistakes. We always learn through our mistakes. For example, babies learn to walk by making mistakes. There is no Failure in Life, Only Feedback, or Outcome. Remember, we always succeed. Say it to yourself, ‘We always succeed in getting a result’. Sometimes we get a result, which we did not want (we call it failure), but still it is only a result. So, whatever happens in our life is only a result or a feedback. If you do not like the result, learn from the experience, change your approach, and get a different result. If you still do not like the result, change your approach again till you get what you want.

(2) Watch carefully how you talk to yourself when you face any event in life. Remind yourself about this principle.

(3) When you realise that you are sending a negative message to your brain stop it immediately. One interesting and powerful technique is to say to yourself: STOP! STOP! STOP! Say it as loudly as possible inside your mind. After that, immediately replace it with a positive statement. For example, if you were saying to yourself, ‘I am not good at remembering names’. Immediately replace it with the positive sentence, ‘I am good at remembering names’. This process is called the self-talk interrupt process. Make sure your new sentence is a positive one, and it is in the present tense. Do not worry if the statement is not true now. When you start repeating the statement consider them as true, and act accordingly, you will soon realise that they will come out as true.

Here are few examples, please add your own statements to this list:
(a) I am a good cook
(b) I am a wonderful singer
(c) I am a good Mathematician
(d) I am a wonderful human being
(e) I am a calm and relaxed person
(f) I am enjoying every moment of my life

(4) I would also suggest that you read the following article on positive affirmations again to reinforce your belief:
Your Thoughts Decide Your Destiny
(ii) Does Thoughts Decide our Destiny

posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 5:24 AM, 7 comments,

Be Inspired: The Principle of Present Moment Awareness

In this article, we will make a wonderful life-changing discovery and unleash the unbounded power of the present moment. I wrote a small article on the ‘Power of Now’ few weeks ago and this is a continuation of that topic. Let us look at this beautiful poem again:

“The past is history.
The future is a mystery.
This moment is a gift.
That is why this moment is called the present.
So enjoy it”
Allan Johnson

The principle of Present Moment Awareness simply means to become more powerful and effective with whatever we do in our life by focussing all our energy into that moment. Anthony Robbins, one of the world’s top motivational speakers says, “Controlled focus is like a laser beam that can cut through anything that seems to be stopping you.” The idea is simple: Harness the massive power of human mind effectively. It is the power of our concentration, which makes us great. All great men and women mastered the power of concentration to become effective in their field. Their devotion and cent per cent commitment made them great. To achieve ‘Controlled focus’ we have to discipline our mind through constant practice.

Just stop reading for a moment, close your eyes, and imagine what would happen to your life if you did every little thing effectively. Please think about it deeply, for a moment. And this can only happen when we decide to focus all our attention to the present. We can then become highly effective and we will experience our unbounded self. By ‘Unbounded self’, I mean the massive power that is hiding inside all of us. It is the ‘Prana’ or the life force energy, which governs everything in this Universe.

Now let us do a simple exercise to reinforce our understanding of the present moment awareness and experience the ‘Power of Now’. You are doing something now, isn’t it? You are reading this article. Watch your mind for a moment and see if are 100% focussed. Are you thinking about any other thing while reading this article? If you are, then your mind is not 100% focussed on reading this article; obviously, it is wandering somewhere else. Now our duty would be to stop the ‘wanderer’ and consciously bring it back to this moment, remember you have to use your mind to do that. Isn’t it interesting?

In other words, you will use your mind to gain control of your mind. Do not worry if you find it little confusing at the beginning. It will become clear to you as you practise it regularly and you can apply this technique throughout the day. If you commit yourself in applying this principle, you will notice a massive positive change in your life within a short time. This concept is simple but immensely powerful.

Remember human mind is extremely powerful and it loves wandering. It has a natural tendency to run wild if we do not hold the reins properly. According to the Vedas - Veda is the powerhouse of knowledge that evolved in India for more than 5000 years - if you want to gain control of your life and create your own destiny; the first step is to watch your mind.

So, what happens when you watch your mind? An instant evolution takes place. You see and experience it for yourself how your mind behaves and reacts to various events in life. What happens when we know how our mind behaves? When we know how our mind behaves, we are in a better position to manage and control our mind.

When we carefully watch our mind, we also realise that most of the time we unconsciously allow our mind to wander. When we do not control our mind, it does whatever it wants. It takes full control of our body and our soul, and therefore controls our actions. And if we allow our mind to become the king, it soon becomes unruly, and in the long run, we suffer from the adverse effects. We know from scientific research as well as our personal experiences that thoughts and feelings have a direct affect on our body. So, if we manage our thoughts and feelings effectively it will have a massive impact on the quality of our lives.

A human being is the sum total of mind, body and the soul.

Human being = Mind + Body + Soul.

The ‘Soul’ or the ‘Self’ is the real master of the other two parts that is mind and the body. When we allow our mind to run wild like a mad elephant, the Soul or the Self-loses it’s supreme glory, and the result is suffering or pain. But if we can gain control of our mind, we can use this powerful tool to achieve whatever we want in life.

So, the idea is to use the power of the mind to tame the mind. And this can only happen through constant practice. Raja Yoga provides sophisticated tools and techniques to manage and control our mind. Yoga simply means balance that is balancing the mind, body, and the soul and reaching an equilibrium state. I have found that ‘Hatha Yoga’ or the physical yoga exercise is more popular in the West. But Raja Yoga, which deals with the management and control of the mind, has often been sidelined.

In this programme, I will introduce you to various tools and techniques from Raja Yoga that will help you to gain total control of your life and unleash the massive inner power that is hidden inside each individual. We will learn how to increase our energy, which is vital for performing at a peak level.

So, when you consciously watch your mind, you will notice an interesting fact that most of the time we live in the past or in the future. And both the states i.e. past and the future do not exist. This means we may be doing something in the present but we are not fully present in that moment. We either think about something, which has happened in the past, or we think about something, which might happen in the future. We lose and waste much energy by doing that. We have to keep in mind that thoughts are nothing but energy. Our thought consumes a huge amount of energy.

All great discoveries and inventions such as steam engine, light bulb, aeroplanes, rockets, and space ships, computing technologies were only a thought in somebody’s mind at a point in time. So, thoughts decide our destiny, and a thought consumes a huge amount of energy. We know from our experience that when we do mental work, we spend energy, and that is the reason we become tired that is our energy level decreases. Proper management of our energy is the key to effectiveness.

We know that we cannot become effective if we are not 100% focussed in the present. Can we? Just imagine that you have gone to an important meeting. What would happen if your level of presence and commitment were 50% that is the other 50% of your mind is somewhere else? Will you be able to give your best and perform convincingly? Will you succeed? These questions apply to every event in your life. If you ask these questions in whatever you do, you will experience the massive universal power of the present moment.

Present moment awareness is a powerful self-evident principle and it is universal and timeless. If we want to become an effective person, we have to lead our life according to these natural principles. We need to establish this concept into our conscious awareness and I would like to quote Stephen Covey, the best-selling author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Stephen Covey says, “Principles are like lighthouses. They are natural laws that cannot be broken.” Problems arise in our life when we break the natural laws or principles. Cecil B. deMille says, “It is impossible for us to break the law. We can only break ourselves against the law.”

Yes, it is hard, it needs commitment, and we need a continuous programme to apply these principles effectively. And we have to pay a price. ‘Paying a price’ is another interesting principle, and I want to say something about it right now. We pay a price for whatever we do in your life. So let’s say if I want to become an effective person I will have to pay a price, and that’s a natural law. If I am not ready to pay a price now to become effective, then I have to prepare myself to pay a price by suffering later. So, we have a choice? Isn’t it? We have to decide which is right for us.

How to practise Present Moment Awareness?

Now we will look at few simple but powerful techniques to practise and apply this principle in our lives.

(1) Watch your mind when you are doing something and observe carefully whether it is deviating from the right path. If you notice that it is wandering use your mind consciously to bring it back to the right track, use it like a steering wheel of your car. Our mind is only a tool, which is directed by its master i.e. our Soul.

(2) Practise it regularly. It does not happen in an instant so you have to be patient and diligently apply it. The more you apply the better you will get.

(3) An easy way is to talk to yourself and remind your mind what you are doing at each moment. Let me tell you what I do, and these examples will help you to make a good start. I would suggest that you begin your practise with the simple ones, and then you can add more to your list.

(a) For example, when I am taking a shower, I say to myself, ‘I am enjoying the water falling on my body and I consciously experience every little sensation’. Believe me it is amazing. You can try it yourself and see how you feel.
(b) I will give you another example. When I walk down the stairs, I just say to myself, ‘Now I am walking down the stairs, I am right here, and I consciously experience it with my mind’. I say to myself, ‘I am enjoying every moment’.
(c) Another example, when I am eating I remind myself of that moment; I focus only on eating, and enjoy and relish every moment. I ward off any other thought. Try this yourself and share your experience with everyone.

(4) Proper breathing is vital for leading a good life. Make sure that you breathe properly, and you watch your breathing patterns. Do you inhale and exhale properly? When you concentrate in your breathing you will gain great benefits and it will also help you to focus your attention to the present moment. I would tell you more about effective breathing practises for creating high-energy level in another article soon.

I would like to end by saying that when you practise and apply these principles, please do not expect results overnight. Give yourself enough time so that you can form the right habit. This article is only an introduction to thought control and management. In coming weeks, we will focus more, and go into depths to gain an understanding of this area. Take care of yourself and may God bless you.

posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 3:08 PM, 3 comments,

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