Applying the Law of Dharma: Success Equation and Bill Gates
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Success =
Identify your Unique Talent
Nurture and develop the talent
Identify the unique needs of others and serve them elegantly
Exploring Bill Gates’ life using the success equation:
(1) Did he identify his unique talents?
- He was passionate about software programming, and from a young age he use to spend hours writing computer programs.
- He knew that he could succeed using his unique talent. He is a man of great vision.
- He knew that he could revolutionise and change the world of computing.
- He also knew that he could touch other people’s lives in a special way using his unique talents.
- He believed in himself.
(2) Did he nurture and develop his talent?
- He knew computer programming was his unique talent. So, what did he do with it?
- He took massive action. He was 100% committed and he used his skill to create abundance.
- He worked hard and stayed focused on what he wanted to achieve.
- He created a map for his life’s journey.
- He continually developed and improved his programming and marketing skills.
- He partnered and networked with people.
(3) Did he identify the unique needs of others and serve them elegantly?
- He found out there lies a huge opportunity in computer software industry.
- He envisioned that computers would revolutionise the society. He realised the power of personal computers, and used his unique skills and talents to develop the famous Windows Operating System and the Windows Office tools. So, did he know about our unique needs? I am sure you would agree he did. Did he serve them elegantly? Yes, he made it easy for us to use a computer through the special Windows Graphical User Interface.
We have explored Bill Gates’ life using our success equation, let us ask ourselves the following questions: What happened to him when he applied this equation? Did he succeed? Did he realise his dream? Did he create abundance? Did he make a difference to our lives?
Now let us take some time and visualise about our own life. Then, take a piece of paper and a pen, and write down the success equation. And identify and apply each part in your life. Please share with us what happens next. Take care and may God bless.
posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 1:54 PM,
Be Inspired: One-Minute Principle of Time Management for Perfect Happiness
Saturday, January 27, 2007
So, I find the balancing act challenging at times. Managing our time in this fast paced world is a real problem. Isn’t it? I am sure all of you have busy schedules and have various types of responsibilities and face similar problems in managing your time.
So, how do we manage our time in a better way? Let me share with you a simple idea, which I came across a few years ago, and I found it amazing as it works wonders if we can apply it creatively. Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield says, "I recommend you to take care of the minutes, for the hours will take care of themselves."
So, What did I do with this simple idea?
(1) I plan and I have a schedule for my whole day. I break up the day into small manageable chunks. I remain flexible, as I know I may have to deal with any unforeseen events.
(2) I say to myself whatever I am doing at this minute I will do it to the best of my ability. I will apply the One-Minute principle.
(3) I also say to myself, I am happy every minute, as I know if I am happy every minute, I will easily remain happy for the hour, and eventually it will help me to remain happy throughout the day. It works for me, so you can try to see if it works for you. I have also found, by simply saying and acting as if I am happy this minute makes a big difference to the state of my mind.
So, whatever your role is at this minute Mom, Dad, Grand Mom, Grand Dad, Homemaker, Cook, Cleaner, Manager, Business owner, Lawyer, Teacher, Doctor, Sales personnel or any other role, please apply this principle and make effective use of this minute. And see for yourself what happens to the hour, and if possible please share your experience with us.
posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 3:43 AM,
Be Inspired: Anger Management
Friday, January 26, 2007
How do we feel when we are angry or when we carry an internal grudge against someone? Certainly, we do not feel comfortable. Do we? We know that we live in a materialistic world and we cannot deny or avoid its influences. And sometimes we face events in life, which affects our mental equilibrium.
Anger is a killer and we know from scientific evidence that it can cause serious damage to our system. According to various spiritual scriptures, ‘Anger’ is not a normal part of our human nature. And through regular practice, we can form a habit to ward off this external element from reaching and manifesting our system.
Let me share with you a beautiful Buddhist story on anger management told by my grand mom when I was a little boy.
The Story
One day a Buddhist monk approached his spiritual teacher with a problem. And the monk looked worried. So, the teacher asked him in a loving voice, “My son why do you look so worried.” The monk replied, “I have a big problem with my anger, and I feel out of control when I am angry. Please help me to get rid of this habit”
The teacher then said to the monk, “You have something that is not normal and I find it strange. Show me your anger now. Where is it?”
The monk became little surprised at the teacher’s comment. Then he said to the teacher, “I cannot show it to you because it is not there in me now.”
So, the teacher said, “Why can’t you show it to me right now?” And the monk replied, “As it is only there when I am angry and I can experience it at that particular moment.”
Then the teacher said, “If the anger is there in you only for a moment, it cannot be a part of your true nature. And if it was your true nature, you could have shown it to me right now.” Then, the teacher went on and said, “Why are you allowing something which is not a part of your true nature to control and agonise you?”
The monk immediately realised what the teacher meant, and it opened his eyes. So, he vowed to his teacher and thanked him for the advice.
In future, whenever the monk felt angry, he recalled what his teacher has said to him, and that helped him to gain full control of his mental state. Before I close, I would like to ask you to take a moment and think, is there anything that we can gain from this beautiful story?
Take care and may God bless you. Catch you soon!
posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 2:24 PM,
Be Inspired: The Power of Courage and Inner Strength - Conquering Critics
Thursday, January 25, 2007
When you look back, you realise that something powerful stopped you from taking action. Sometimes we think more about what other people are going to think about us. Are they going to accept our idea? Are they going to be too critical about it? Am I doing it right? Am I going to embarrass myself? Did these questions ever arise in your mind? I am sure you will agree with me that we have all experienced this inner voice. One part of our self-says that we can do it, and at the same time, the other part says that we can’t. It is like an inner tug-of-war. We need courage and determination to overpower the part, which says we can’t.
If we think deeply we will find that we often focus more on the external elements rather than looking inside. We become object referral rather than self-referral. We become easily influenced by external stimulus. What happens when we do that? I am sure by now you have already got the message that I am trying to send to you.
Please stop reading and think for moment. Can we make progress in our life and achieve excellence if we always worry about what other people might think about our actions? Can we satisfy everyone? Or should we reinforce our inner strength and courage by focussing on our goal rather than focussing on external event?
Let us look at this beautiful quotation and see what Ralph Waldo Emerson has to say, “Whatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising that tempt you to believe your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires some of the same courage that a soldier needs. Peace has its victories, but it takes brave men and women to win them.”
What can we learn from this beautiful message? Would it be a good idea to think how we can apply it in our day-to-day lives? As I write this article, an interesting story suddenly came to my mind, and let me share it with you. The story is about Robert Fulton the man who invented the steamboat. After completing his dream project Robert Fulton wanted to display his invention to people in the Hudson River. So, many people gathered on the riverbank to see how the steamboat works. When the boat was ready and about to begin its journey the critics and pessimists commented the boat wouldn’t move at all. To their surprise, the steam engine propelled the boat and it steadily moved forward. Now, when they saw the boat moving they started saying, “Though the boat is moving forward, it wouldn’t stop.” Great views, isn’t it? So, what do we learn from this story? And what should we do to move ourselves forward despite all the external influences?
The following list has some tips but it is not an exhaustive one, please use your imagination, and add more:
(1) Identify your passion.
(2) Create a plan of action.
(3) Take massive action.
(4) Stay focussed on your goal.
(5) Trust your inner self.
(6) Do not share your goals with too many people.
(7) Lead life based on sound universal principles.
(8) Ask yourself, ‘How can I help? And ‘How can I contribute?’
(9) Choose your companions carefully.
(10) Think how an external stimulus can help you to move forward. If it does not add value, ignore it sensibly.
(11) Develop and follow a programme of continuous development.
posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 1:29 PM,
Be Inspired: The Principle of Positive Self-Talk
Sunday, January 21, 2007
I had this bad habit myself. Whenever I made a mistake, I used to blame and curse myself, and carried a feeling of guilt with me. What happens if we do this? First, our subconscious mind accepts whatever we say as true. If we say to ourselves, we are not good at doing something. Immediately our subconscious mind receives this message and records it as true; because it does not judge any statement, we make.
When I realised the way we talk or communicate to ourselves decide the quality of our life and our effectiveness, I changed my approach. I desperately wanted to break free from this never-ending cycle. So, what did I do?
When we talk to ourselves positively, we send positive feedback or message to our brain. And this reinforces our action and our experience. On the other hand, if we talk to ourselves with a negative tone, we send a negative feedback or message to our brain. And we tell our brain that we are a failure and this further reinforces and records the negative experience.
Whatever feedback we send either positive or negative is recorded in our brain. It is like a solid mark in a piece of paper. So, if it is negative it remains like a scar in our mind. And this has a massive impact on our behaviour, confidence, and self-esteem. That is the reason we doubt ourselves in doing certain things in life. We form a fear of doing something, if we have failed in the past, and record that experience as a negative one, and our internal self-talk process further strengthens it.
It is important that we pay attention on how we communicate with ourselves and get rid of the habit of sending negative signals to our brain. Sometimes it may become a real challenge for us to try to change our habits, which have formed from many years of negative reinforcement. So, how do we change and form a habit of positive self-talk?
I would like to share with you some simple ideas, which I have used in my life to cut through the never-ending cycle of negative self-talk. And let me also tell you the truth, despite my practice I still fall prey to this cycle. So, it is a constant battle. But as soon as I realise I am going the wrong way, I fiercely bounce back.
Some simple tips:
(1) From this moment, unconditionally accept that it is all right to make mistakes. We always learn through our mistakes. For example, babies learn to walk by making mistakes. There is no Failure in Life, Only Feedback, or Outcome. Remember, we always succeed. Say it to yourself, ‘We always succeed in getting a result’. Sometimes we get a result, which we did not want (we call it failure), but still it is only a result. So, whatever happens in our life is only a result or a feedback. If you do not like the result, learn from the experience, change your approach, and get a different result. If you still do not like the result, change your approach again till you get what you want.
(2) Watch carefully how you talk to yourself when you face any event in life. Remind yourself about this principle.
(3) When you realise that you are sending a negative message to your brain stop it immediately. One interesting and powerful technique is to say to yourself: STOP! STOP! STOP! Say it as loudly as possible inside your mind. After that, immediately replace it with a positive statement. For example, if you were saying to yourself, ‘I am not good at remembering names’. Immediately replace it with the positive sentence, ‘I am good at remembering names’. This process is called the self-talk interrupt process. Make sure your new sentence is a positive one, and it is in the present tense. Do not worry if the statement is not true now. When you start repeating the statement consider them as true, and act accordingly, you will soon realise that they will come out as true.
Here are few examples, please add your own statements to this list:
(a) I am a good cook
(b) I am a wonderful singer
(c) I am a good Mathematician
(d) I am a wonderful human being
(e) I am a calm and relaxed person
(f) I am enjoying every moment of my life
(4) I would also suggest that you read the following article on positive affirmations again to reinforce your belief:
(i) Your Thoughts Decide Your Destiny
(ii) Does Thoughts Decide our Destiny
posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 5:24 AM,
Be Inspired: The Principle of Present Moment Awareness
Friday, January 19, 2007
“The past is history.
The future is a mystery.
This moment is a gift.
That is why this moment is called the present.
So enjoy it”
Allan Johnson
The principle of Present Moment Awareness simply means to become more powerful and effective with whatever we do in our life by focussing all our energy into that moment. Anthony Robbins, one of the world’s top motivational speakers says, “Controlled focus is like a laser beam that can cut through anything that seems to be stopping you.” The idea is simple: Harness the massive power of human mind effectively. It is the power of our concentration, which makes us great. All great men and women mastered the power of concentration to become effective in their field. Their devotion and cent per cent commitment made them great. To achieve ‘Controlled focus’ we have to discipline our mind through constant practice.
Just stop reading for a moment, close your eyes, and imagine what would happen to your life if you did every little thing effectively. Please think about it deeply, for a moment. And this can only happen when we decide to focus all our attention to the present. We can then become highly effective and we will experience our unbounded self. By ‘Unbounded self’, I mean the massive power that is hiding inside all of us. It is the ‘Prana’ or the life force energy, which governs everything in this Universe.
Now let us do a simple exercise to reinforce our understanding of the present moment awareness and experience the ‘Power of Now’. You are doing something now, isn’t it? You are reading this article. Watch your mind for a moment and see if are 100% focussed. Are you thinking about any other thing while reading this article? If you are, then your mind is not 100% focussed on reading this article; obviously, it is wandering somewhere else. Now our duty would be to stop the ‘wanderer’ and consciously bring it back to this moment, remember you have to use your mind to do that. Isn’t it interesting?
In other words, you will use your mind to gain control of your mind. Do not worry if you find it little confusing at the beginning. It will become clear to you as you practise it regularly and you can apply this technique throughout the day. If you commit yourself in applying this principle, you will notice a massive positive change in your life within a short time. This concept is simple but immensely powerful.
Remember human mind is extremely powerful and it loves wandering. It has a natural tendency to run wild if we do not hold the reins properly. According to the Vedas - Veda is the powerhouse of knowledge that evolved in India for more than 5000 years - if you want to gain control of your life and create your own destiny; the first step is to watch your mind.
So, what happens when you watch your mind? An instant evolution takes place. You see and experience it for yourself how your mind behaves and reacts to various events in life. What happens when we know how our mind behaves? When we know how our mind behaves, we are in a better position to manage and control our mind.
When we carefully watch our mind, we also realise that most of the time we unconsciously allow our mind to wander. When we do not control our mind, it does whatever it wants. It takes full control of our body and our soul, and therefore controls our actions. And if we allow our mind to become the king, it soon becomes unruly, and in the long run, we suffer from the adverse effects. We know from scientific research as well as our personal experiences that thoughts and feelings have a direct affect on our body. So, if we manage our thoughts and feelings effectively it will have a massive impact on the quality of our lives.
A human being is the sum total of mind, body and the soul.
Human being = Mind + Body + Soul.
The ‘Soul’ or the ‘Self’ is the real master of the other two parts that is mind and the body. When we allow our mind to run wild like a mad elephant, the Soul or the Self-loses it’s supreme glory, and the result is suffering or pain. But if we can gain control of our mind, we can use this powerful tool to achieve whatever we want in life.
So, the idea is to use the power of the mind to tame the mind. And this can only happen through constant practice. Raja Yoga provides sophisticated tools and techniques to manage and control our mind. Yoga simply means balance that is balancing the mind, body, and the soul and reaching an equilibrium state. I have found that ‘Hatha Yoga’ or the physical yoga exercise is more popular in the West. But Raja Yoga, which deals with the management and control of the mind, has often been sidelined.
In this programme, I will introduce you to various tools and techniques from Raja Yoga that will help you to gain total control of your life and unleash the massive inner power that is hidden inside each individual. We will learn how to increase our energy, which is vital for performing at a peak level.
So, when you consciously watch your mind, you will notice an interesting fact that most of the time we live in the past or in the future. And both the states i.e. past and the future do not exist. This means we may be doing something in the present but we are not fully present in that moment. We either think about something, which has happened in the past, or we think about something, which might happen in the future. We lose and waste much energy by doing that. We have to keep in mind that thoughts are nothing but energy. Our thought consumes a huge amount of energy.
All great discoveries and inventions such as steam engine, light bulb, aeroplanes, rockets, and space ships, computing technologies were only a thought in somebody’s mind at a point in time. So, thoughts decide our destiny, and a thought consumes a huge amount of energy. We know from our experience that when we do mental work, we spend energy, and that is the reason we become tired that is our energy level decreases. Proper management of our energy is the key to effectiveness.
We know that we cannot become effective if we are not 100% focussed in the present. Can we? Just imagine that you have gone to an important meeting. What would happen if your level of presence and commitment were 50% that is the other 50% of your mind is somewhere else? Will you be able to give your best and perform convincingly? Will you succeed? These questions apply to every event in your life. If you ask these questions in whatever you do, you will experience the massive universal power of the present moment.
Present moment awareness is a powerful self-evident principle and it is universal and timeless. If we want to become an effective person, we have to lead our life according to these natural principles. We need to establish this concept into our conscious awareness and I would like to quote Stephen Covey, the best-selling author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Stephen Covey says, “Principles are like lighthouses. They are natural laws that cannot be broken.” Problems arise in our life when we break the natural laws or principles. Cecil B. deMille says, “It is impossible for us to break the law. We can only break ourselves against the law.”
Yes, it is hard, it needs commitment, and we need a continuous programme to apply these principles effectively. And we have to pay a price. ‘Paying a price’ is another interesting principle, and I want to say something about it right now. We pay a price for whatever we do in your life. So let’s say if I want to become an effective person I will have to pay a price, and that’s a natural law. If I am not ready to pay a price now to become effective, then I have to prepare myself to pay a price by suffering later. So, we have a choice? Isn’t it? We have to decide which is right for us.
How to practise Present Moment Awareness?
Now we will look at few simple but powerful techniques to practise and apply this principle in our lives.
(1) Watch your mind when you are doing something and observe carefully whether it is deviating from the right path. If you notice that it is wandering use your mind consciously to bring it back to the right track, use it like a steering wheel of your car. Our mind is only a tool, which is directed by its master i.e. our Soul.
(2) Practise it regularly. It does not happen in an instant so you have to be patient and diligently apply it. The more you apply the better you will get.
(3) An easy way is to talk to yourself and remind your mind what you are doing at each moment. Let me tell you what I do, and these examples will help you to make a good start. I would suggest that you begin your practise with the simple ones, and then you can add more to your list.
(a) For example, when I am taking a shower, I say to myself, ‘I am enjoying the water falling on my body and I consciously experience every little sensation’. Believe me it is amazing. You can try it yourself and see how you feel.
(b) I will give you another example. When I walk down the stairs, I just say to myself, ‘Now I am walking down the stairs, I am right here, and I consciously experience it with my mind’. I say to myself, ‘I am enjoying every moment’.
(c) Another example, when I am eating I remind myself of that moment; I focus only on eating, and enjoy and relish every moment. I ward off any other thought. Try this yourself and share your experience with everyone.
(4) Proper breathing is vital for leading a good life. Make sure that you breathe properly, and you watch your breathing patterns. Do you inhale and exhale properly? When you concentrate in your breathing you will gain great benefits and it will also help you to focus your attention to the present moment. I would tell you more about effective breathing practises for creating high-energy level in another article soon.
I would like to end by saying that when you practise and apply these principles, please do not expect results overnight. Give yourself enough time so that you can form the right habit. This article is only an introduction to thought control and management. In coming weeks, we will focus more, and go into depths to gain an understanding of this area. Take care of yourself and may God bless you.
posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 3:08 PM,
Be Inspired: What is Love?
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Before we can properly answer those questions, we have to know what love is. I am sure we do not need much explanation, do we. As because we have all experienced it at different levels. But have you ever thought what is that thing called ‘Love’.
If we explore and search deep inside our self, we will realise that Love is a principle. And principles are self-evident. According to Stephen Covey, “Principles are like lighthouses. They are natural laws that cannot be broken.” We know what happens when we break or try to break this principle. Don’t we?
And we know from our experience if ‘Love’ is a principle it cannot be a symbol. Now can we ask ourselves: What happens when we try to represent ‘Love’ with a symbol for e.g. gifts and presents?
Please do not get me wrong. I am not trying to say that giving gifts and presents is bad. What I am trying to do here is to make you aware of something that is beyond any material thing.
Take sometime and think over it. See what message you receive from this article and whether it can be useful for you. Before I close, I would like to leave you with this beautiful message from Holy Bible, which is one of my favourites.
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs." Corinthians 13:4-5 (New International Version)
posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 3:01 PM,
Be Inspired: The Principle of Indifference
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Buddha says do not be too happy when someone praises you, be humble and grateful for the praise. On the other hand, if someone criticises you do not be too sad. Learn from the criticism, and move ahead. He says wise man practise indifference. When you gradually form a habit of using this principle, you will get in touch with your real self.
I would say that it is difficult to practice but when you try it, you yield a sweet fruit. It does work wonder and I have experienced the bliss. You can try to see if it works for you. Let me summarise the article with this quotation, “The power of indifference creates the big difference.”
posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 9:00 AM,
Law of Dharma Part II: Natural Law or Spiritual Principle for Success
According to the Vedas - Veda is the powerhouse of knowledge, which evolved in India for more than 5000 years - ‘Law of Dharma’ simply means our purpose in life. It has three parts and let’s use the ‘Success Equation’ to represent the Law of Dharma:
Success =
Identify your Unique Talent
Nurture and develop the talent
Identify the unique needs of others and serve them elegantly
Mother Teresa, Albert Einstein, James Watt, Wright Brothers, Mahatma Gandhi, Bill Gates, Henry Ford, Ray Kroc, Walt Disney, Robbie Williams, Madonna, Kylie Minogue; they are some of the most successful people, and they are superstars in their own field.
You can ask these interesting questions now: How did they become successful? Did some of them touch our life in a special way? Did they serve our needs elegantly? You can also ask: Are they special because they came to this world with a ‘Silver Spoon’ in their mouth?
Are they fighters? Do they take responsibility for their own life? Do they deal with any events in their life boldly? Let me give you an example, it was not long ago when Kylie Minogue was suffering from cancer. Is she back onstage? As I write this article, Sarah, one of my friends is watching her performance live in Wembley stadium, London.
Another thing, which I feel, is important and we need to remind our self often. We do not need to be Bill Gates, Albert Einstein or anyone else we can just be ourselves and feel great about it. But we can learn their good habits, behaviours, and skills. Can we?
Law of Dharma says that you are unique, and you are the only person in this Universe to have that special skill, no one can do it like you. You may be a homemaker, parent, doctor, nurse, writer, singer, dancer, artist, painter, scientist, blogger, teacher, cleaner, contractor, builder, business owner or work in any other profession. You have a special way of doing something; your way of doing is unique.
Once you identify and know your unique skill and your passion, nurture and develop it, identify the unique needs of others, and fulfil their needs elegantly. Create a Win-Win situation (read about the Win-Win principle) where you and everyone win. You will have ‘Success in Abundance’; the mighty river will flow through your doorway.
We can stop here for a moment, take few deep breaths, and relax. We can then ask ourselves: How do successful people use the ‘Law of Dharma’ to achieve success and create abundance in their life? Can you visualise and see how you can fit into the 'Success Equation'?
I would like to close this article here, and give you more time to reflect on this principle. Please do not rush into things. Be relaxed and give yourself enough time to apply the principle in your life. I am sure there will be confusions on how to apply this law. In the next article, we will deal with some of the important issues related to finding your ‘Purpose in Life’ and I will also teach you the visualisation exercise as promised. Take good care of yourself and others, may God bless you.
posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 3:56 AM,
Law of Dharma Part I: Natural Law or Spiritual Principle for Success
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Before I start this article, I would like to tell you something, which has a deep impact on my presentation and writing. First, it is about my background, I had a humble beginning, and I was born in India in a Hindu family, and went to a good Catholic Missionary school. I studied there for 12 years, both primary and secondary schooling.
So, I became strongly influenced and motivated by the teachings of Jesus Christ. That shaped and built the foundation of my life. We used to call our teachers ‘Sisters’ – my real Gurus - as they were nuns. And it is unbelievable that some of them still remember me by my name - though I was a naughty boy then, do not worry you can safely read on, as I am all right now. I think I learned the real meaning of love from them.
I feel little nostalgic as I write this article, as my childhood memory has suddenly flashed back into my mind. Anyway, as I was growing up, I took a personal interest in Buddhism, mainly because I was lucky enough to come in touch with some wonderful Buddhist scholars. The resulting product was interesting; I became a ‘Mixed Vegetable’ as defined by one of my Australian friend.
There is a reason for saying this to you. You will find the influence of these great religious traditions in my writing – but I do not consider myself a scholar or a Guru. I believe ‘We are our greatest Guru’. The whole idea of becoming your own ‘Success Coach’ revolves around this notion. With great respect to all the good people, I want to say that I do not believe in any monk or a priest, I believe in myself. I am my own monk and a priest. I know if there is a Jesus or a Buddha, it is inside us. I remember a great piece of information from Jesus. He said, “Serving his fellowmen is serving him.” And I do my best to lead my life based on this principle. And our topic the ‘Law of Dharma’ is based on this principle. Can you see an interesting correlation here, between the great religious traditions?
I believe in all religions. My realisation is that they all say the same; they are like parallel highways or motorways. They take you to the same destination. And the destination is achieving the highest form of ‘Human Excellence’. The sad thing about religion these days is people misinterpret and misuse it for their vested interest, I think it has always been like this throughout the history, someway or the other.
But we always have a choice; we can stay away from them. And I feel that religion means nothing other than human excellence. And if it says something other than ‘Human Excellence’, I would rather stay away from it.
I believe Jesus Christ, Buddha or Krishna they all mastered ‘The Art of Excellence’. And this programme is about excellence and not about any particular religion. I think it is a good idea to master the ‘Art of Excellence’ by using the teachings of those great masters. What do you think and how do you feel about it?
As you know by now I am a ‘Mixed Vegetable’ and I am going to use the best things from all sources, so prepare yourself to relish on a mixed curry. If you do not agree with something, which is normal, please be selective, use that works for you, and ignore the rest. But please do share it with us if possible, everyone is unique, and we can learn from one another. No one person is fully right.
I have many friends around the world who do not believe in God but they are wonderful human beings, and they use their special talent to do their best for others and I have great respect for them. Remember our objective is to reach highest form of human excellence, and it does not matter which highway you take to reach your goal effectively. My personal favourite is the ‘Mixed Vegetable Highway’, believe me it is wonderful.
Before we move on to explore the Law of Dharma, let us gain an understanding about the intermediaries. And how to get rid of the intermediaries? My belief and understanding after going through many scriptures is that if we want to know or realise ‘God’; Use the DIY method that is Do-it-Yourself.
My DIY method is pretty simple. I believe that if there is a God, it is inside us, nowhere else. It is inside each living being. And if you want to realise its power, discover your own self, by following the spiritual or natural laws. Getting rid of the intermediaries simply means that nobody else can do it for you.
I do not expect a Guru, Monk, Priest, or anybody else to talk to my inner self-or represent me. If I want to talk to God, I want to do it direct (A personal hot line I suppose), I do not want anyone between my higher self and me. But, that is only my belief please feel free to disagree.
I always remind myself that I would love and take care of every being in this planet and in the best possible way because if I do that I show my love to God. I think that’s what Mother Teresa did. Do you agree with me? Do you remember this beautiful premise, “Charity begins at home”, so use the inside-out approach. Start with your family, partner, friends and foes, colleagues, boss, competitors, or anyone you choose. And you will have what you want. We will cover the ‘Law of Dharma’ in the next article. Be blessed. next...
posted by Debojit Chowdhury @ 2:12 PM,